I started this tradition seven years ago when it occurred to
me that Jesus did a lot of teaching simply by letting his disciples ask
questions. People learn best when they are interested and invested in the
topic. Over the years I've discovered that there is some serious spiritual
thinking going on in the minds of 12-14 year olds. And, as you might suspect,
there are some stupid things as well. There is usually a 50-50 split between
serious questions and questions intended to stump me or make the class laugh
since I allow them to ask me anything.
I smile as I read the question out loud. “Why do you wear your
hair in a pony-tail and grow your beard so long?” This is a question that every
adult member of my congregation wants to ask me. Most people have become
accustomed to it by now but every once in a while someone makes a stray
comment. Personally, I find it interesting to discover who is bothered by my
personal style choices. In a community that is supposed to be based on love I
am always surprised by the insistent presence of social convention and
stereotyped expectations.
“Sanity,” I say. “It’s to keep me from losing my mind.”