
Thursday, September 30, 2010

We Begin Here?

It's hard to think that this is where I begin since I have been reflecting and writing about faith and life for over 17 years as a pastor. If you add in the years of seminary, or time when I was merely reflecting without doing much writing, it really doesn't feel like a beginning at all.

This combination of reflective writing has taken shape in sermons, teachings, devotional material and a monthly column in church newsletters. Each of these avenues for writing and sharing my thoughts comes with certain restrictions. Sermons and devotions usually start with a prescribed reading from the Bible and they are generally a one-way communication. Teachings can begin with a Bible passage or a topic of interest that I design in such a way as to draw people into a dialog. What I have found though, is that many people have been trained to defer to clergy in matters of faith so most of the dialog is cautious and tends to stay at the surface of faith exploration. With newsletter columns I have the freedom to choose any topic I want but limited column space and four weeks between installments I find I can't get deep into a topic.

What I hope for A Peace of the Spirit is that serve as an avenue for sharing my reflections with a lot fewer restrictions. You may find poems, song lyrics or original art work scattered among the prose. What is more, I can post pictures for you to see and links that will take you to videos, websites and information so that you can see for yourself what has triggered and shaped my thoughts.

What I am most excited about is the opportunity for you to share your own thoughts either in the comment box or by linking to your own blog. I don't think it is the best way to dialog but maybe this format will help us explore more deeply the idea that God is with us and is going out ahead of us into whatever kind of world and society we are evolving towards.

My goal here is to explore; to raise ideas and questions. I will try to show you what I see while being aware that I am not seeing all of it. The thoughts and ideas are my own and may not always agree with official church teaching or policy. After 17 years in ordained ministry I am finding that to be okay.